Concert Band
Concert Band by Grade
Click on any of the grades listed below to expand and find out more about each piece
+ Grade 1/1.5
- Battle Pavan (Susato)
- Chorus and March See the Conquering Hero Comes (Handel)
- Infinity and Beyond
- La Caracolá
- A London Intrada
- The Long Day Closes (Sullivan)
- March from Scipio (Handel)
- Mexican Holiday
- The Painted Desert
- Pastoral Hymn from Symphony No. 6 (Beethoven)
- Pathfinders March
- The Prince of Denmark's March (Clarke)
- Prof. Googleheimer's Clarinet Polka
- See Amid the Winter's Snow (Goss)
- Simple Sarabande
- Snow Valley Sleigh Ride
- Soft-shoe Shuffle
- Something Borrowed, Something Blue
- Tales of the River Wye
- Tallis’ Canon (Tallis)
- Te Deum Prelude (Charpentier)
- Things that Go Bump in the Night
- Three English Folk Song Miniatures
- Two German Dances (Beethoven)
- Westminster Prelude
+ Grade 2/2.5
- Almshouse Street Blues
- Big Sky Overture
- Cambridge Intrada
- Carol of the Shepherds
- A Christmas March
- Clarinet Calypso
- Concert Prelude
- David of the White Rock (Woodwind Ensemble)
- David of the White Rock (Brass Ensemble)
- An English Sea Song Suite
- In the Bleak Mid-Winter (Holst)
- Jamaica Farewell (Trad.)
- Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair (Foster)
- A Klezmer Karnival
- Land of Hope and Glory (Elgar)
- Largo from Winter (Vivaldi)
- Let us Rejoice! (Anon.)
- Lion City Festival
- Måndalen Landscapes
- March of the Robot Army
- Marching Winds
- Mary’s Boy Child (Trad.)
- Meditation Saxophone feature based on the 'Passion Chorale'
- A Monmouth Overture
- Mumbo Jumbo
- O Holy Night (Adam)
- Parade of the Clockwork Soldiers
- Processional Overture
- A Repton Fantasy (Bb or Eb solo)
- Rockin' Reeds (Woodwind Ensemble)
- Rockin' Trumpets
- Rockin' Trumpets (Brass Ensemble)
- Studio Music Carol Book
- A Stroll in the Park
- A Sullivan Ballad (Sullivan) (Duet for Flute & Alto Saxophone/Clarinet)
- Ten Chorale Preludes (Reger)
- 30 Original Chorales and Warm-ups
- Tijuana Trumpets (Trumpet Feature)
- To a Wild Rose (MacDowell)
- Towards the Western Horizon
- Two Norwegian Folk Tunes (Grieg)
- Veni Immanuel
- When the Spirit Soars
+ Grade 3/3.5
- And Still, the Spirit Spirit of the Sequoia
- Ballad for Benny
- The Bandwagon (Concert March)
- Barn Dance and Cowboy Hymn
- Beethoven's Greeting Fantasy on the canon 'Freu' dich des Lebens'
- The Black Horse Troop (Sousa)
- Blue Rock
- The Camelot Chronicles
- Centennial Salute
- The Centurion (Contest March)
- Champions (Davis)
- A Christmas Herald
- A Christmas Processional
- Colditz March (Farnon)
- Concertino Classico (Flute, Clarinet or Alto Saxophone solo)
- Dance of the Whale A Ballet for the Endangered Species
- David of the White Rock (Trad.)
- Desert Dances
- Drink to Me Only with Thine Eyes (Callcott) (Trumpet solo)
- The Eagle's Quest
- An English Christmas (with opt. SATB Choir)
- Exultation
- Fanfare for an Occasion
- A Festive Tribute (Bach)
- Five Festive Fanfares
- The Four Noble Truths
- The Girl with the Flaxen Hair (Debussy)
- The Godfather Waltz (Rota)
- Golden Winds
- The Greatest Show (Pasek, Paul and Lewis)
- Guardians of the Waves
- Hallelujah Chorus from Messiah (Handel)
- A Huntingdon Celebration
- Jerusalem (Parry)
- Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring (Bach)
- Jubilee Prelude
- Jubiloso (Concert March)
- A Little Klezmer Suite
- MacArthur Park (Webb)
- Magga from The Four Noble Truths
- A Malvern Suite (arr. Holland)
- March Celebration
- March Prelude: Alnwick Town
- Marchissimo
- Masquerade A Willisau Celebration
- A Medieval Christmas
- Mickey Mouse March (Dodd)
- Merry-Go-Round
- Music (Miles)
- Norwegian Rondo
- Old Hundredth (Bourgeois)
- Once in Royal David's City (Gauntlett)
- Panis Angelicus (Franck)
- Pastime with Good Company (Henry VIII)
- The Pioneers
- Postcard from Singapore
- Prelude on an Irish Folk Tune
- Processional
- A Quiet Moment
- River City Serenade
- Royal Salute (Concert March)
- Salute to a Hero Fanfare for Billy
- Shaker Heights Fantasy A collection of 19th-century Shaker melodies
- Shalom! Suite of Israeli Folk Songs
- Sheep May Safely Graze (Bach)
- Sleepers, Wake (Bach)
- Slipstream
- Song of Friendship
- Songs of the East Coast Fishermen
- The Sun Will Rise Again
- A Swiss Festival Overture
- A Tameside Overture
- The Harbour: Sunday Morning
- Three Klezmer Miniatures
- Thunderbirds (Gray)
- Time Remembered
- Ukrainian Bell Carol (Leontovych)
- Valerius Variations
- Variants on an English Hymn Tune (Euphonium solo)
- Whence is that Goodly Fragrance Flowing? (French traditional)
- White Light (Oboe solo)
- A Winter's Tale
- York'scher Marsch (Beethoven)
- A Yorkshire Overture
- Zodiac Dances Six Miniatures Based on Animals from the Japanese Junishi
+ Grade 4
- Albion Heritage
- Aurora Dances
- Blazon
- Bohemian Rhapsody (Mercury)
- Brave: Soundtrack Highlights (Doyle)
- Carnival (Alto Saxophone solo)
- Chorale and Variations
- Clarinet Concerto (Clarinet solo)
- The Conqueror (Contest March)
- Diversions Variations on a Swiss Folk Song
- The Earl of Oxford's March (Byrd)
- Eloise (Ryan)
- Famous Sousa Marches (Album of 15 Marches) (Sousa)
- Fanfare for Saint Cecilia
- Fanfare, Romance and Finale
- Fantasy for Euphonium (Euphonium solo)
- Festival Prelude 'Ad Excel'
- Fiesta!
- Fiesta de la Vida
- Five States of Change
- Flowerdale from Hymn of the Highlands (Piccolo Trumpet solo)
- Four Norfolk Dances
- Heroic March (Fletcher)
- Highdays and Holidays The Mortimer Revel
- Hymn of the Highlands (Suite from)
- Hymn to the Fallen (Williams)
- In Memoriam: For the Fallen On a Poem by Laurence Binyon
- Jubilee Overture
- Kaleidoscope Five Variations on the 'Brugg Song'
- The Legend of Celobrium
- The Legend of Spirit Island (Euphonium solo)
- Letter from Home
- Madrigalum
- Manhattan (Trumpet solo)
- Maple Leaf Overture
- Morning Song (Horn Quartet and Band)
- Moving Heaven and Earth Concertante Variations on an Original Theme
- Music for a Festival
- Music for Life
- A Nottingham Festival
- Of Skies, Rivers, Lakes and Mountains
- Overture for Woodwinds (Woodwind Ensemble)
- Pantomime (Euphonium solo)
- A Pittsburgh Overture
- Portrait of a City
- Prelude to a Celebration
- Prelude to a Pageant
- Queen Symphonic Highlights
- ...the quest for peace...
- Raid on the Medway Van Ghent March
- The Roaring Forties
- The Saga of Haakon the Good
- Sailing with the Tall Ships
- Salutation (Concert March)
- Salute to the Victor (Contest March)
- Sandstone Centennial Frodsham Silver Band Centenary March
- Scaramouche (Baritone or Euphonium solo)
- Second City Ceremony
- A Sevenoaks Suite
- Sierra Nevada
- Sinfonietta No. 3 (Rheinfelden Sketches)
- Skyrider (Concert March)
- Slavonica! (Woodwind Ensemble)
- Sounds of the Saint Lawrence A Quebec Folk Song Suite
- Southend Celebration
- Spirit of the Sequoia
- St. Paul's Suite (Holst)
- Step by Step
- Summer Isles from Hymn of the Highlands (Euphonium solo)
- Symphonic Metamorphosis on themes from Saint Saëns' 3rd Symphony
- Three City Sketches
- Three Extraordinary Journeys A Tribute to Jules Verne
- Three Norwegian Sketches
- Two-part Invention (Euphonium duet)
- Watch Your Step!
- Wilten Festival Overture
- Wind in the Reeds (Bassoon solo)
- With Clouds Descending A Fantasy on the Hymn Tune 'Helmsley'
+ Grade 5
- Atlantic Odyssey
- Bacchanalia
- Between the Two Rivers
- A Bluegrass Overture
- Bolero (Ravel)
- A Centennial Journey
- Clarinet Concerto (Mozart)
- Colorado Springs
- Deserts
- Euphonium Concerto No. 2 (Euphonium solo)
- Fair Field Festival
- Fanfare for Tokyo
- Flying the Breeze
- Gemini Concerto (Trumpet and Euphonium duet with Band)
- Glorioso!
- Hail the Dragon!
- Hanover Festival
- Highland Dawn
- Hymn at Twilight
- Invictus The Unconquered
- Kentish Dances
- The Land of the Long White Cloud Aotearoa
- A Lindisfarne Rhapsody (Flute solo)
- Looking Up, Moving on
- A Midwest Celebration
- Mountain Song
- Music for Arosa
- Neapolitan Holiday
- North Hills Fantasy
- Orient Express
- Out of the Darkness, Into the Light
- Overture for a Great City
- Overture for a Special Occasion
- Pentangle
- The Planetarium
- Pulcinella (Euphonium Solo)
- Reflections on an Old Japanese Folk Song
- A Savannah Symphony Symphony No. 2
- Scenes from a Comedy
- The Seasons
- Second to None
- Sinfonietta No. 1
- Sinfonietta No. 2
- Sinfonietta No. 4 Stramproy Centennial
- Sinfonietta No 5 - Yokohama Festival
- Song and Dance (arr. Brand) (Trumpet solo)
- Songs and Dances
- Songs from Across the Water A Suite of British and Irish Folk Songs
- The Song of the Bell
- Spirit of Andalusia
- Spirit of Endeavour
- Strathcarron Sword Dance from 'Hymn of the Highlands'
- Sunrise at Angel's Gate
- Theatre Music
- Three Dance Miniatures
- To a New Dawn
- Tuba Concerto (Eb Tuba solo)
- Variations on a Fourth
- The Way to Heaven Droga do Nieba
- A Weekend in New York
- The White Rose
- Wind Sketches
- The Year of the Dragon
- The Year of the Dragon (2017 Edition)
+ Grade 6+
- Celebration
- A Colour Symphony Symphony No. 3
- Dance Movements
- Diamond Concerto (Euphonium solo)
- Earth, Water, Sun, Wind Symphony No 1
- Harlequin (Euphonium solo)
- The Last Flower of Autumn
- Mercury Rising
- Music of the Spheres
- Navigation Inn (Contest March)
- Of Myths and Monsters An Outrage for Concert Band
- Omaggio (Euphonium Concerto No 4)
- Tango for Joe (Trombone Solo)
- Three Washington Statues
- Trombone Concerto (Trombone solo)
- The Unknown Journey