Fanfare Band
Flourish for Fanfare
Grade 5 | 6 Mins
Flourish for Fanfare was commissioned by Fanfare CWO Groningen to celebrate their 50th anniversary in 2018 and dedicated to the memory of Hette Faber, a horn player with them for over 25 years.
It opens with a fanfare on flugel horns and trumpets under saxophone trills, which gradually subsides to introduce a trio for the trombones. This builds and leads back to the opening fanfare, which is interrupted by a slower, hymn-like passage on the lower brass. A saxophone chorale follows and is repeated by the full band, leading to a dramatic molto vivo. The trombones then introduce a new theme, derived from their original trio, which is developed until the horns (in tribute to Hette Faber) take centre stage and introduce a change of mood. This builds to a climax before a contrasting theme appears on saxes and euphoniums. The trombone theme then returns to introduce a triumphal version of the saxophone chorale, which drives the work to a coda based on the opening fanfare.
The commissioning of Flourish for Fanfare was made possible by the generous contributions of the following sponsors:-
Eduard Witteveen, Jan van Laar, Leo Smid, Frieda de Haan
Titia Struik, Jelmer Lok, Jack Stiphout, Marcel Otten, Liesbeth Koops, Ria Mulder, J. van Calker, Gieneke Bodewitz, E. Dijck
Andrea Kramer, Laura Dillingh, Afke van Straten, Leanne Prins, Ciska & Willem, Anneke Adema, G. Bodewitz, Geerlig, Cindy Prins, Vincent Weehuizen, Doeke Wildeboer, Stockmann, Hanny Versluis, Hans, Frans de Beer, Lindy Adema, J. Gaastra, Bauke Gaastra, Johanna Bij De Leij, Mellius Kramer, Harmen Boeijenk, Siefker, Edwin Otten, Mirthe Moes, P. Wijbenga, Harmonie ’67, Homme Bakker, Feike Kramer, Anke Yntema, Bert Poelstra