Fanfare Band
Shalom!: Suite of Israeli Folk Songs
Grade 3 | 9 Mins
The long history of Jewish folk song has resulted in a rich and varied repertoire of songs, which deal with religion, history, festival and celebration. The melodies featured in Shalom! reflect this panoply of subjects and range widely in mood, from lament to rejoicing.
I. V’ha’ir Shushan & Havdala
V’ha’ir Shushan describes the victory celebration of the citizens of the walled city of Shushan, based on a story in the Book of Esther, while Havdala is sung at a ceremony in Jewish homes and synagogues which concludes the Sabbath and other religious festivals.
II. Hanerot Halalu & Ba’olam Haba
Hanerot Halalu is sung to accompany the lighting of candles at Hanukkah and Ba’olam Haba is set to words which speak of the world to come, which can mean either the world after death or the world that is to follow the messianic millennium.
III. Mishenichnas Adar, Ani Purim & Yom Tov Lanu
The three songs used in this movement celebrate the festival of Purim, which commemorates a major victory over oppression and is recounted in the Megillah, the scroll of the story of Esther. Purim takes place on the fourteenth and fifteenth days of Adar, the twelfth month of the Jewish calendar.